Resume of Dr. David L. Rouzer, Licensed Clinical Psychologist – Atlanta, GA
David L. Rouzer, PhD Licensed Clinical Psychologist
2801 Buford Hwy NE
Suite 225
Atlanta, GA 30329
Email Dr. Rouzer
Born and raised in Minneapolis, MN. Early experiences of family instability led eventually to interest in psychology that was initially intellectual, and later personal/emotional. This background has lent unusual depth to my
understanding of psychological problems, a special quality to my therapeutic relationships, and general optimism about the human capacity to overcome problems, troubles, and handicaps.
BA in Psychology, Humanities, and Philosophy, Magna Cum Laude, 1963, University of Minnesota.
Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology and Neuropsychiatry awarded 1970, University of Minnesota.
Employed as Staff Psychologist, Minnesota Reception and Diagnostic Center, Lino Lakes, MN from 1967-69. Assessment and behavioral management of juvenile offenders.
Employed as Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota Medical School, Dept. of Psychiatry, Division of Clinical Psychology, 1970-72. Assessment and treatment of psychiatric inpatients, neuropsychological assessment of neurological and neurosurgical inpatients. Education and training of clinical psychology interns, psychiatric residents, and nursing staff in psychological methods.
Employed as Assistant Professor, Georgia State University, Dept. of Psychology, 1972-78. Taught advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in Abnormal Psychology, Theories of Personality, Assessment of Personality and Intelligence, and Clinical Hypnosis.
Independent practice of Applied Psychology, 1978-Present. Special emphasis on psychotherapy with adults (individual and group) and couples, stress control, assessment and treatment of personality disorders, mindfulness and meditation, and symptomatic treatment of depression and anxiety disorders.